Command of English. Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age.


Welcome to Internationella Engelska Skolan Nacka. High academic expectations. Support for every child to reach their potential. A safe, calm environment where teachers can teach and students learn.

Det är ett enkelt, webbaserat program som är utformat för att hjälpa föräldrar, lärare och elever att kommunicera med varandra och hålla ordning på det dagliga skolarbetet. SCHOOLSOFT FÖR NACKA GYMNASIUM . Logga in via länken nedan med: Mobilt BankID (elever, vårdnadshavare och personal) Användarnamn och lösenord (endast elever och personal) Single Sign On (endast personal och elever via Nackas domän - PC) INLOGGNING FÖR ELEVER, PERSONAL OCH VÅRDNADSHAVARE - KLICKA HÄR Transparency – the key to success School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. If you are using a shared device, remember to logout from SchoolSoft, this takes you to a page where you also can logout from your Google account.

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You can report absence for a full day or individual lessons, as seen in this instructional video. We cannot report your child’s absence for you. If you are having problems logging in, please contact our IT Representative, Ms Bacakli. Go to SchoolSoft website IES News .

Early grading will help students 3 Mar 21. Köerna öppnar idag till de tre nya skolor som startar 2022 1 Feb 21. More news IES Länna; IES Nacka; Q-T. To report a sick child please call before 08:00 each day.

Behärska engelska språket. Barn ska lära sig att behärska det engelska språket, inte bara förstå det, i en tidig ålder.

When logged in, parents will find information about Welcome to Internationella Engelska Skolan Nacka. High academic expectations.

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Transparency – the key to success School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork.

More news IES Länna; IES Nacka; Q-T. Go to SchoolSoft website IES News . The Hans and Barbara Bergström Foundation makes significant contribution to school research 2021/04/09.

About SchoolSoft. School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency. About SchoolSoft.
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Scheman för de olika klasserna finns på Schoolsoft.

This is one of the many fun activities that is available to students in year 4 & 5 at Junior Club!
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About SchoolSoft. School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency.

Early grading will help students 3 Mar 21. Köerna öppnar idag till de tre nya skolor som startar 2022 1 Feb 21.

Internationella Engelska Skolan welcomes the Swedish parliament’s decision today to allow children from year four onwards to receive grades. Four IES schools, in Eskilstuna, Karlstad, Landskrona and Täby, were part of a pilot project to examine what earlier grading would mean for younger children.

Go to SchoolSoft website IES News . The Hans and Barbara Bergström Foundation makes significant contribution to school research 9 Apr 21. Early grading will help students 3 Mar 21. Köerna öppnar idag till de tre nya skolor som startar 2022 1 Feb 21.

2018/05/03, Posted in Student Work , IES Nacka , ies , Junior Club , IESN Junior Club 8C have produced some great film posters on the book they have finished studying in English. Their task was to create a realistic film poster for an imaginary film of the novel (as there is no existing film for this book). Transparency – the key to success School Soft makes it easy for parents to be involved in their children's schooling. It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. Here are the calendar dates for next school year 2021-2022.